About me

I am a political studies scholar with a focus on institutional analysis and democratic theory, and with close links to European studies, political sociology and the sociology of knowledge.

I work as a research fellow at the Political Science Department of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and as head of the ‘Democracy & society’ unit at Helmut-Schmidt-Foundation in Hamburg.

My current research project deals with the role of experience-based knowledge and citizen expertise in policy-making.

My research focuses on:

  • Political participation and democratic legitimacy
  • Expertise and knowledge in the policy context
  • Governance and collective decision-making
  • Organisational and institutional analysis
  • Environmental and climate policy in Germany, Norway and the EU

Most recent publications:

Eva Krick (2023): Beteiligungsprofis in der Demokratie. Zur Professionalisierung und Kommerzialisierung einer Wachstumsbranche [Participation practitioners in Germany. The professionalization and commodification of citizen engagement], Leviathan 51(3), 454-483.

Eva Krick (2023): ‘Typische Schwächen von Bürgerräten – und wie man ihnen begegnen kann‘ [Notorious weaknesses of minipublics – and how to deal with them], in: Sommer, Jörg (ed.): Kursbuch Bürgerbeteiligung #5 [Guidebook citizen participation]. Republik Verlag, 24-37 (chapter also published as a stand-alone e-paper).

Eva Krick/Taina Meriluoto (2022): The advent of the citizen expert. Democratising or pushing the boundaries of expertise? Current Sociology 70(07), 967-973

Eva Krick (2022): Participatory governance practices at the democracy-knowledge nexus. Minerva 60(4), 467-487.

Eva Krick/Lars Leeten (2022): Die umkämpfte Autorität von Wissen im politischen Kontext. Eine Frage des Vertrauens [The contested authority of knowledge in the policy context. A question of trust], in: Schuppert, G. Folke/Weingart, Peter/Römhildt, Roland A. (eds.): Herrschaft und Wissen [Authority and knowledge]. Nomos, 145-170.

Eva Krick (2022): ‘Citizen experts in participatory governance. Democratic and epistemic assets of service user involvement, local knowledge and citizen science. Current Sociology 70(7), 994-1012.

Latest book:

Eva Krick (2021): Expertise and participation. Institutional designs for policy development in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-75329-0

“Krick’s book provides the reader with a rare combination of an intelligent probe into the fundamental problem of the theory of democracy – how to reconcile democratic participation and reliable expertise – and meticulous empirical case studies of three exemplary exercises in public participation. The result is an unusually sophisticated analysis which does not shy away from practical conclusions.” (Peter Weingart, University of Bielefeld)

“Making public policy that combines expert advice and public input is no easy task. Eva Krick’s accessible and judicious book is full of insights on why it is so difficult, and how complex democratic societies can do better. Drawing on original empirical research, Krick develops nuanced lessons for the design of participatory expert advisory processes.” (Mark B. Brown, California State University, Sacramento.)

“Krick’s investigations illuminate the much-underestimated importance of hybrid policy advice bodies for democratic governance. Her grounded approach to institutional design is genuinely original, and truly advances our understanding of how experts, citizens and stakeholders (should) interact.” (Cathrine Holst, University of Oslo.)  

“In an era of increasing academic specialization, Krick makes a bold and successful effort to integrate issues usually held apart: Empirical studies of German and Norwegian cases, theory-development, normative assessment and constructive design proposals. On the basis of a wide theoretical perspective, important aspects of the conventional wisdom and key conceptualizations are challenged, supplemented and refined.” (Johan P. Olsen, University of Oslo.)